Close-up photo of two smiling children.

On Doit Amour

A few years ago I heard a speech given by the grandson of a holocaust survivor. His grandmother and her family at the time were refugees fleeing the mass genocide being inflicted within Germany. They stumbled into the home of a priest on the French country side, and were provided asylum. Years later the grandson returned to the priest’s home and asked him what made him show such love and compassion to complete strangers given the threat of danger at the time. The priest now an old weathered Frenchmen responded simply, On Doit. We Must. From that day I knew this was a message the world needed to hear again. I hope for this clothing line to serve as a reminder.

We Must Love - Chris, Founder/Owner


above all

In alignment with the name of the brand a percentage of every sale will be donated to one of three different charitable non profit organizations. All of which carry missions that resonate deeply within myself and the rest of my team here at On Doit.


UNICEF is the United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund, it provides first response aid and services to children in need everywhere, everyday. They are one of the leading advocates in child protection, and rights.

Doctors Without Borders

Doctors Without Borders or Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) offers medical humanitarian assistance to people based solely on need, irrespective of race, religion, gender, or political affiliation. Their teams of doctors, nurses, logisticians, and other frontline workers are often among the first on the scene when peoples’ lives are upended by conflict, disease outbreaks, and natural or human-made disasters.

Save the Children

The next generation of our leaders is the demographic we wish to inspire and uplift the most, this is why the third organization chosen Save the Children. For over 100 years they have worked across the world for the safety and growth of children.